Unfiltered News

Monday, December 18, 2006

Judith Regan - OJ Saga

Again the unfiltered news alarm is ringing on publisher Judith Regan. Previously she appeared in our vision when she made a deal to get $3,000,000 to somebody associated with OJ Simpson to pay for an alleged confession book.

Now the esteemed publisher who wanted to make millions off the OJ book has been fired. She has hired an attorney who declared a "war" on her behalf. Is that a holy war or an jihad because it involves Ms. Regan or just a run-of-the-mill scorched earth campaign?

An ironic behind-the-scenes story about her firing is she was said to be whining on radio the day before that she was being stabbed in her back. Uh ... that's what paying OJ or people associated with him millions is defined as. Stabbing decent people in the back, including the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown.

An irony is that Judith Regan now is whining that She is the victim. How stupid does she think people are?

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