Unfiltered News

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Judith Regan - Fruit-Loop?

Here is a not random sample of Internet comments on Judith Regan: "It sure doesn't seem like she was the victim ... She's a fruitloop and got exactly what she deserved."

A publishing industry source has speculated that Judith Regan will land on her feet as a Hollywood producer. To paraphrase Evita, Don't Cry For Me BookWorld.

At the Unfiltered News, we look for the story behind the story and provide our own commentary on it. This one is getting more and more ironic. It turns out Ms. Regan is no dummy and hired a lawyer named Bert Fields to beard for her, and sue. She apparently was fired in part because of anti-semetic statements - intollerable to any employer. Now her lawyer, who not-so-coincidentally is a member of the tribe, is gleefully proclaiming it didn't happen. Shameless little betrayals. ... Judith found a man with a plan!

More details on Regan's firing are leaking out into the New York Times, "New Dispute Over Firing of Publisher"


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